As a coach you want to see your athletes succeed. Hard work is required for them to reach their goals – and it is your job to help drive that work ethic and provide the necessary tools. Just like with any program where you want to measure “change” you take baseline metrics – whether that is weight, strength, academics, etc. – and then you take your exit measurements at the end of the program.
It is important to select measurable outcomes that are both relevant to your athlete’s goals and can be accurately and unbiasedly measured. When these goals are improvements in athleticism, standardized tests such as linear dashes, change of direction, and jumps are commonly measured. Keeping a close eye on how athletes are progressing is important, as some athletes respond differently to different programs. Therefore we suggest that you make testing a common part of your training program so that:
- Your athletes are encouraged to keep up the hard work.
- You foster healthy competition and moral within your team/training group.
- You can make changes to your programming if you are not seeing the progress you expect.
Depending on the athlete and the program you assign them, it may be difficult to quantify their improvements. Perhaps your athlete puts on 8 lbs of muscle during their time with you, but their performance tests showed little to no improvement. Well, they are moving more mass at the same rate, so they are more powerful. The Epley Advantage Performance Index (EAPI) takes this into account, as it scores the athlete based on their size and performance tests.
As a coach at a gym, parents want to know they are getting something out of their investment. Depending on the parent – this may be a difficult task. Using the EAPI reports you can quantify an initial baseline and share it in a form athletes and parents can easily understand. Creating a tangble unbiased metric to track their child’s athletic performence journey.
The report includes core information such as name, height, weight, etc. along with their raw test results. For linear speed you can test either the 10 yard dash or the 40 yard dash, for agility you test the Pro-Agility (5-10-5), and for power you test either the vertical jump or the broad jump. In the Index Results section you get the three components presented as a pyramid-like graph – giving a visual representation of your strengths and weaknesses.
What do these Index numbers mean? Well, there is a star chart to relate these numbers to college athletes in different sports – but how does that relate to my 12 year old son? Based on tens of thousands of data points we have created percentile ranks for each component of the score. We know that a score of 500 in a drill suggests that you could have D1 potential, but what does a score of 200 mean at 12 years old? Your athletes and their family can now see how they rank up and track their progress through their time with you.
This Index is a POWERFULL tool in reporting/tracking performance metrics and auditing yourself or your coaches’ programs. But it can also be used to bring in revenue outside of gaining and maintaining customers!
Dashr has partnered with GETHIGHLIGHTED to massively expand the value of the EAPI. Through the GETHIGHLIGHTED recruiting/match-making platform an athlete can get noticed at the collegiatelevel where otherwise they may not have had an opportunity. With GETHIGHLIGHTED an athlete creates a profile that hinges on athleticism (measured with the EAPI), mental toughness, and a video interview.
Not only is GETHIGHLIGHTED helping athletes reach their goals of playing at the next level, they will donate back to you/your program for each athlete that signs up.
Learn more about the Dashr + GETHIGHLIGHTED solution.
To add EAPI reporting to your program just login to your online Dashboard and go to the Store tab on the left. Click on Licenses and you will see the options to get the Performance, Strength, or both for a year. Note that you get a 7-day free trial as well!
You will need Roster Spots for each athlete your are training/testing and if you have Dashr equipment – Fantastic! If not, you can order and have it within a week in most instances. If you just want to run the Index without Dashr equipment, follow the steps HERE to do so.
As always – please post here, email us at vasb@qnfueflfgrzf.pbz or call us at 844-443-2747 if you have any questions