Figure Eight

Dashr brings innovation to this classic routine, transforming it into a dynamic challenge for aspiring players. With our cutting-edge technology, figure-eight movements are precisely tracked, providing invaluable insights into agility, speed, and balance. Elevate training sessions, refine technique, and gain a competitive edge on the ice, all powered by Dashr's advanced approach to hockey drills.

Figure Eight.

Drill Instructions

This drill uses 1-5 Dashr|Blue Timing gates. You likely already have your devices registered, if not – please check out the Flying Drill as it is the same process.

Step-By-Step Instructions

  • You will use a 2-point start for this drill, so it will be a moving start.
  • Navigate to the drill by going to Sport Collections > Hockey > Figure Eight.
  • To set-up this drill you will have a starting gate on regular tripods extended to about waist height at the center of the rink. This starting gate also acts as the finish gate.
  • Option split lasers can be set-up at waist height at the Face-Off spots – make sure to orient the gates so that the athlete can skate through them withough running into tripods.
  • Power on all lasers, and connect them one at a time.
  • Once all devices are connected, press “Start Testing”.

Running The Drill

  • Check in the appropriate athlete (details here) – optional.
  • Have the athlete line up just behind the starting gate.
  • With QuickRun on, when the athlete moves through the starting gate -timing will start (time will turn blue – indicating that timing is taking place), and you get a result when you cross the next gate.
  • With QuickRun off (option in settings) you will see “Set” and “Reset” buttons to give you control of when a test starts. Press “Set” once the athlete is ready to take off. Press “Reset” to clear the time for the next athlete.
  • Have the athlete take off and follow the path outlined in the schematic above, following a figure eight pattern around the rink.
  • Each included split laser/gate will give you a split time, finishing through the starting gate will give you the final time.