This drill uses 2 Dashr|Blue Timing gates and 3 cones (not included). You likely already have your devices registered, if not – please check out the Dash Drill as it is the same process.
Step-By-Step Instructions
- To set-up this drill you will have a starting gate on regular tripods around waist height.
- Set-up the finish laser in a similar fashion, waist high just to the side of the start laser – but on the actual finish line.
- Place cones at 2m, 5m, and 15m downfield.
- To get to this drill go to Sport Collections > Rugby > Welsh Anaerobic.
- Power on the lasers, and connect them one at a time in the App.
- Once all devices are connected, press “Start Testing”.
Running The Drill
- Check in the appropriate athlete (details here) – optional.
- When ready, the athlete stands in the laser at the start. After getting the “GO!” message he or she does an “up-down” (see video) and then completes a figure 8 around the cones at 2m and 5m, sprint to the 15m cone then back through the finish gate.
- The time will show up on the app and if you checked in the athlete, it will be saved to local history as well as the cloud (if on network).
- This is repeated 10 times and add up all 10 reps for the total time.