The Running Based Anaerobic Sprint Test (RAST) was devised at the University of Wolverhampton in the UK, and the standard version involves six sprints over 35 meters with a 10 second recovery between each sprint, and provides measurements of peak power, average power and minimum power along with a fatigue index (Draper & Whyte, 1997). This drill uses a moving start and requires 2 timing gates.

A diagram of the RAST drill.

Drill Instructions

The Running Based Anaerobic Sprint Test (RAST) was devised at the University of Wolverhampton in the UK, and the standard version involves six sprints over 35 meters with a 10 second recovery between each sprint, and provides measurements of peak power, average power and minimum power along with a fatigue index (Draper & Whyte, 1997). This drill uses a moving start and requires 2 timing gates.

Step-By-Step Instructions

  • Install batteries in each laser you plan to use.
  • Install/open the Dashr app on your phone or tablet. (Create an account here if you have not already)
  • Register each laser in the app – Navigate to the “Device Registration” button at the bottom, power on the lasers one at a time and select them from the “Available” list and assign them a number. Write that number on your laser. (This only has to be done the first time you use the laser with this phone/tablet)
  • Return to the home menu and select RAST.
  • Screw 2 lasers onto 2 taller tripods, positioned so that the beam is around hip height.
  • Screw 2 reflector onto 2 matching tripods and position laser and reflector across from each other (~6 ft)to create a line to pass through. (Standard RAST has these gates positioned 35 meters apart.)
  • With the lasers on, select the appropriate laser from the drop-down menu and press the “Connect” button. If it does not work the first time, repeat.
  • Once all devices are connected, press the “Start Testing” button.
  • Check in the appropriate athlete (details here) – optional.
  • On the testing page you will see a “Set” button that give you control of when a test starts. Press “Set” once the athlete is ready to take off. Once started, a “Reset” becomes visible to stop and reset the drill, or clear the time for the next athlete.
  • Once the athlete crosses the first gate, the clock will start. First time is obtained when the next gate is crosses.
  • At this point a countdown timer starts in the app (you can adjust this time in the connection page).
  • As it runs down to 0, the athlete should start to sprint back to where they started.
  • Repeat this for a total of 6 sprints.
  • Determine the power output for each sprint using the following equations:
    • Velocity = Distance (35m) ÷ Time
    • Acceleration = Velocity ÷ Time
    • Force = Weight × Acceleration- Power = Force × Velocity


  • Power = Weight × Distance² ÷ Time³ 
  • From the six times, calculate the power for each run and then determine:
  • Maximum power – the highest value
  • Minimum power – the lowest value
  • Average power – the sum of all six values ÷ 6
  • Fatigue Index – (Maximum power – Minimum power) ÷ Total time for the 6 sprints